Physical Conditions

Can I Get Service-Connected for My Heart Condition as a Secondary Disability to My Psychological Condition?

A Veteran with a service-connected disability can file a claim for benefits related to that disability. To collect for a secondary disability, a Veteran first needs to secure benefits for the primary disability. To determine if a disability is service-connected,...
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Connection Between Fibromyalgia and IBS in Gulf War Veterans

Veterans of the Gulf War have faced a variety of challenges, including the physical demands of military service and environmental exposure associated with combat deployment. Among the most common challenges are the development of fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)....
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Veterans With Both Migraines and Sleep Apnea

Migraines and sleep apnea affect millions of people every year, either independently or together. The combination of having both conditions can be debilitating, especially for Veterans who are adapting to their lives outside of military service. If migraines and sleep...
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Can I Get a VA Disability Claim for GERD?

Are you a Veteran suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? If so, you may be eligible for compensation through the VA’s disability benefits programs. The amount of compensation and access to the disability programs will depend on how severe your...
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How Diabetes Can Result in Peripheral Neuropathy for Veterans

Unfortunately, chronic conditions are a common side effect of military service for Veterans across the U.S. From heart disease to arthritis, Veterans are at an even higher likelihood for various diseases because of the conditions they were living under while...
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What Veterans Should Know About Radiculopathy

As you wrap up your service in the armed forces, there are a few things you may expect to experience once you return home. You probably expect to reunite with family and friends and settle into new routines, whether that...
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Benefits of a Mesothelioma Veterans Affair Claim

Veterans are the largest group of people to be diagnosed with mesothelioma because asbestos was so widely used by the military for nearly 100 years. Toxic exposure could have occurred at any time in the last 80 years, although most...
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My Sleep Apnea Journey (Part 2) 8 Things I Wish I Knew About a CPAP Machine

Earlier this year I wrote a blog profiling my sleep study and sleep apnea diagnosis. Unfortunately, it took nearly two months for me to receive my follow up appointment and then an additional two weeks to receive my CPAP machine....
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My Sleep Apnea Journey (Part 1)

From time to time I like to share my personal experiences in this blog. It’s rare for me to relate to my clients often, mainly because I’ve never served in the military. However, on occasion, there are some experiences in...
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Knee Issues and Your Veterans Disability Claim

I often like to write about the unique cases we see at the law firm. Some of my favorite memories of helping Veterans pertains to very specific conditions. Sometimes we must work hard to prove that a Vietnam Veteran was...
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Fight 4 Vets