VA Calculator

Whether you were a Gulf War Veteran who was injured in combat or you served in Vietnam and were exposed to Agent Orange, you deserve to be taken care of. If you fought for your country and sustained service-connected injuries, there are several benefits available to you.

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides benefits to servicemembers that include monthly tax-free payments if you are 10 percent or more disabled by an injury or disease contracted on active duty, or while in military training. Many people find the application process confusing and time-consuming, but our VA-accredited attorneys are available to help anyone around the country. Call a Sun City Center Veterans disability lawyer to get started on your claim.

Qualifying for Veterans Benefits

Servicemembers’ conditions must be provably linked to their active-duty activities. The VA recognizes physical conditions, such as lost limbs or chronic back and knee problems, as well as mental health conditions such as PTSD. Conditions that are made worse over time but are linked to military service are also covered. Veterans in training for active duty must show a disability related to an injury, stroke, or heart attack caused during training.

The VA also recognizes some conditions as service related, granting presumptive disability benefits if a servicemember is a former Prisoner of War, Vietnam Veteran who was exposed to Agent Orange, or a Gulf War Veteran whose chronic illnesses with several symptoms cannot be medically explained or diagnosed.

Veterans’ basic compensation is calculated using the disability rating assigned by a treating physician. Veterans in Sun City Center with a disability rating of 30%or higher may be eligible for an additional disability allowance if they have dependents.

Special Monthly Compensation

A Veteran could also be eligible for Special Monthly Compensation from the VA, which is in addition to basic compensation based on his disability rating, if certain conditions are met. These include:

  • Disabilities that involve loss of use of some organs, any of the senses, or paralysis or loss of the extremities
  • Disabilities that render a Veteran homebound
  • Disabilities that leave a Veteran bedridden and in need of assistance permanently
  • Multiple disabilities that severely affect the Veteran’s ability to walk
  • A diagnosis of more than one disability rated at 50 to 100 percent each
  • Multiple disabilities demanding such skilled assistance that would otherwise confine the Veteran to a nursing home

Our attorneys are VA-accredited and have represented hundreds of Veterans nationwide. Sun City Center Veterans can call a lawyer today to learn how they can assist in securing disability benefits.

Appealing a Denial of Veterans’ Benefits

The VA sometimes denies applications for Veterans’ benefits for simple reasons. Veterans fail to include discharge or separation papers such as the DD214, or fail to provide relevant military and private sector hospital and doctor reports.

Attorneys help Veterans navigate the system in several ways, such as by filing supplemental claims containing additional evidence, like a physician’s second opinion or existing evidence that may have been omitted. A higher-level review allows a lawyer to schedule a conference with someone who is more experienced than the original examiner with the goal of getting a claim approved.

A VA-accredited attorney for Sun City Center Veterans can also appeal a denial of the original or supplemental claim or the higher-level review. This can be accomplished by asking for a Veterans Law Judge to review existing claims, consider additional supporting information, or allow discourse during an in-person or virtual conference.

Learn How a Sun City Center Veterans Disability Attorney Can Get You Benefits

You gave up a lot to keep Americans safe at home while you fought for your country. Now, it’s Jan Dils Attorneys at Law’s turn to help you get the benefits you deserve. If you were injured on active duty or if a military-related situation created a debilitating illness, we want to help you.

Our VA-accredited attorneys only represent Veterans with service-related conditions who are seeking the benefits they earned. The VA process can be confusing and lined with red tape that we know how to cut through. Call a Sun City Center Veterans disability lawyer today to set up a free consultation.

Fight 4 Vets