VA Calculator

Gulf War veterans may have been exposed to a wide range of environmental and chemical hazards. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a free Gulf War Registry health exam to any Gulf War veteran to gauge the possible health problems related to their service.

Fortunately, former servicemembers who have been exposed to toxic substances during their active duty military service do not need to apply for benefits alone. One of our team members can assist with every aspect of the Gulf War illness claims process, so please give us a call before filing.

Oil Well Fires, Smoke, and Petroleum

Armed forces in Iraq ignited oil well fires from February to November of 1991. These fires produced large clouds of soot, liquid, aerosols, and gases that hung low to the ground, often enveloping the U.S. military.

If you believe you are eligible for compensation due to exposure to oil well fires, contact our firm for assistance with filing a claim.

Chemical and Biological Weapons

The Department of Defense estimates that around 100,000 Gulf War Veterans could have been exposed to nerve agents that were found following the 1991 Gulf War cease-fire. Our attorneys can assist you in understanding your condition in relation to exposure of chemical weapons and the benefits that you may be eligible for.

Depleted Uranium

Soldiers in vehicles struck by projectiles made with depleted Uranium may have inhaled the chemical. In addition, small pieces of depleted Uranium my have scattered and rooted into the soft tissue and muscle. The health problems associated with depleted Uranium are dependent on the amount that has entered a person’s body. High doses have been known to affect the kidneys, for example. If you suffer health problems due to the exposure of depleted Uranium, contact us for help with filing your benefits claim.

CARC Paint

Chemical Agent Resistant Coating is used on military vehicles. This paint makes the vehicle highly resistant to corrosion and chemical agents. Dry CARC is not toxic and poses no threat; however, inhalation of CARC during the painting and drying stages can be extremely harmful to a servicemember’s health.

Pyridostigmine Bromide

Research continues on the health effects of exposure to neurotoxic insecticides and pyridostigmine bromide pills taken by U.S. troops during the Gulf War to neutralize the effects of nerve gas attacks. Since returning from the Gulf War, many veterans have presented a litany of unexplained symptoms, including memory and concentration problems, persistent headaches, unexplained fatigue, widespread pain, chronic digestive difficulties, respiratory symptoms, and skin rashes.


Pesticides used in the Gulf War fall into the following categories:

  • Methyl carbamate organochlorine (lindane)
  • DEET
  • Organophosphorus
  • Pyrethroid

Lindane and DEET were used to repel insects. If you have come into contact with any of these pesticides and have acquired a health issue, you may be entitled to compensation from the VA.

Sand, Dust, and Particles

Veterans who were deployed to dusty environments may have inhaled small fragments of sand, dust, pollution, or other particles that have embedded into the lungs and airways. These particles can cause serious health problems, and you may be entitled to benefits as a result.

Toxic Embedded Fragments

Shrapnel from explosive devices may become embedded in soldiers’ body after a blast. This can be harmful as soldiers may acquire an injury at the site of the fragment. Also, chemicals from the fragment can affect other areas of the body.

Infectious Diseases

Recently, the VA published a proposed rule that, when finalized, will make it easier for veterans of the Gulf War and Afghanistan to collect disability benefits for nine infectious diseases on the presumption that they were service-related. A veteran will only have to show service in Southwest Asia or Afghanistan and a current diagnosis of one of the nine diseases:

  • Brucellosis
  • Campylobacter jejuni
  • Coxiella burnetii (Q fever)
  • Malaria
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • Non-typhoid Salmonella
  • Shigella
  • Visceral leishmaniasis
  • West Nile Virus

The presumption applies for veterans who served in Iraq and Southwest Asia after August 2, 1990 or in Afghanistan starting on September 19, 2001. Veterans must also have had the disease for a certain amount of time and have a current disability as a result.

Heat Injuries

Veterans may suffer from heat injuries if they served in hot, desert climates. Heat injuries associated with the Gulf War include heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and sunburn. Former servicemembers who suffered from heat injuries may now be more susceptible to heat, which can cause more serious injuries.

Disability Benefits for Dependents of Gulf War Vets

Dependents of Gulf War vets may also be eligible to receive disability benefits. These include those who are biological children of a Gulf War veteran and have birth defects as well as spouses of living veterans. Surviving spouses, dependent children, and dependent parents of veterans who died as a result of toxic exposure may also qualify for compensation.

Learn More about Gulf War Illness Claims from a Lawyer

If you are a veteran that has been exposed to dangerous substances during the Gulf War and have health issues as a result, contact our firm today. An experienced attorney can guide you through the Gulf War illness claims process and give you the best chance at success.

Call us toll-free or use our online contact form.


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