VA Calculator

When citizens join the armed forces, they make a promise to the country. Some people live up to that promise with their lives—many others pay with their health. The country makes its own promises in return. For example, the government explicitly promises to provide medical care and support for Veterans who are disabled during service. However, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) denies many Veterans’ disability claims on the first attempt. Some of these denials are incorrect—the VA eventually accepts over one-third of initial denials on appeal.

The Fight4Vets team wants to make this important process as easy as possible. We are the nation’s largest VA benefit law firm, and we can help Veterans anywhere in the country get the help they need. Having a lawyer does not guarantee that the VA will accept your claim or that the process will go faster. However, a nationwide VA disability lawyer knows the mistakes to avoid, which can save you time and help you avoid frustration.

We can help you anywhere in the country, including these communities with significant Veteran populations:

We also have several local offices if you would like an in-person visit:

When Can a Veteran Claim Disability Benefits?

A Veteran has to prove more than a disability in order to qualify for VA disability benefits. He or she must also demonstrate that the disability is service-connected. To be service-connected, a disability can be caused by something that happened during service, but can also be exacerbated by something that happened during service.

When the disability is due to the worsening of an existing condition, the VA may not pay for the total amount of the disability. Instead, the VA compensates the disabled Veteran for the amount that the disability worsened as a result of service.

To show that a disability is service-connected, a Veteran must show what part of service led to—or exacerbated—the condition. Sometimes, the cause will be dramatic and easy to prove, like bullet wounds or exposure from chemical warfare. At other times, the cause could be chronic and more difficult to establish. The disability does not have to show up immediately or even before the Veteran leaves service. A nationwide disability lawyer can help applicants establish a nexus between service and the disability that satisfies the VA’s requirements.

Types of Injuries or Conditions that Qualify for Disability

While the VA may deny too many initial claims, the official guidelines take a very expansive view of disabilities. They can be physical conditions or mental conditions related to service. The big question is whether the disability impacts a Veteran’s ability to earn a living.

Some physical injuries are more likely than others to lead to a disability determination. Loss of limbs, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and spinal injuries are all dramatic, which can make it easy to prove an inability to earn a living. Joint issues, chronic pain, and similar issues can also qualify.

Service can be linked to mental health issues, as well. If they keep a person from being able to earn a living, they can support a disability determination. Anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are not unusual for Veterans, especially those who saw combat. Even military sexual trauma can be approved as a disability if it has had a serious impact on an applicant’s mental health and ability to hold a job. Throughout America, our VA disability lawyers can help Veterans establish that a condition qualifies as a disability.

If a potential applicant wishes to have some idea of what his or her benefit amounts might be, they can check out our Veterans benefits disability calculator and learn how this formula works.

Talk to a Nationwide VA Disability Lawyer to Apply for Benefits

Once a Veteran qualifies for benefits, he or she may get access to the funds that they need to support themselves when they are unable to work. VA benefits get cost of living adjustments every year, but the payments for 100% disability ratings can be thousands of dollars a month. That can make a huge difference when you are unable to work. However, with the difficulties of the application and appeals process, you could be tempted to give up instead of pursuing your benefits.

A nationwide VA disability lawyer can take on the burden for you. We can help you through every step of the process, simplifying the tasks and avoiding common mistakes. While no attorney can guarantee you results, we have the knowledge and skill to help you make sense of this complicated situation.

Schedule a free consultation to learn more – no matter where you live. We serve Veterans nationwide.

Fight 4 Vets