VA Calculator

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) manages the benefits servicemembers are eligible to receive if they are injured or contract a disability while on active duty. Some conditions may have occurred immediately, while others may have developed over time. The VA even waives some of the complicated proof you may need to show for certain presumptive service-connected conditions.

Although some injuries are straightforward, many applicants will have to prove their conditions were caused during military service. Goose Creek Veterans disability lawyers know how to successfully secure benefits that include monthly tax-free checks and medical care for thousands of Veterans throughout the country. If you are ready to apply for benefits, or need to appeal a denial, call our VA disability attorneys now.

Common Conditions Leading to VA Benefits

Veterans can qualify for disability with injuries beyond just bullet wounds and chemical exposure. Those incidents typically will not lead to many hurdles in the application process. There are other conditions which can qualify someone, but which might require more evidence of a nexus with military service. Some of these conditions include:

  • Respiratory issues, including lung cancer
  • PTSD and panic disorders
  • Heart conditions
  • Brain injuries

VA accreditation allows certain attorneys to assist Veterans when applying for disability benefits or appealing a denial. Our attorneys are VA-accredited and abide by the rules under 38 Code of Federal Regulations § 14.636. We facilitate Veterans claims throughout the country and are happy to assist servicemembers in Goose Creek who require disability benefits.

Evidence to Support a Disability Claim

A Veteran must provide discharge papers, usually his or her DD214, and medical evidence that the illness or injury is related to active military duty. A recent medical exam confirming the condition is service-related is also required.

A servicemember  will be scheduled a Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam at their local VA clinic that they are required to go too. He or she can also consult their primary care physician to determine the extent of their disability and provide a nexus letter or fill out a Disability Questionnaire (DBQ) to determine the severity of their condition.

By using an official formula, the VA determines the percentage of disability a Veteran has. This rating is then a factor in how much he or she receives each month. With a rating of at least 30%, a Veteran can also receive extra payment if he or she is married or have a dependent living with them.

Denials Can Be Appealed

A Veteran in Goose Creek, SC whose benefits application is denied can consult a VA-accredited disability attorney to appeal. They can file supplemental claims if information is missing or the administrator needs additional items, such as another physician’s opinion that the condition is service-related.

A lawyer might also request a higher-level review with the regional office, where more experienced claims administrators can override the original denial. Applicants can also ask for a Veterans Law Judge to become involved and review original or supplemental claims, or conference with Veterans Law Judges to discuss why a claim is valid and benefits should be granted.

Learn How a Veterans Disability Attorney Can Help You in Goose Creek

If you are a Veteran who served your country on active duty and was injured or developed a debilitating condition because of your service, you are entitled to disability benefits that include a monthly tax-free check and medical care. Your country owes this to you for stepping up and serving.

You must apply for your benefits (which can be calculated on this page) and, in many cases, provide proof your condition is related to your military service. The process can be confusing and frustrating, but that is where we can help. We work with Veterans all over the country gather everything they need for their application and chart the best course when they have been denied. When you need the services of a Goose Creek Veterans disability lawyer, call our team for a free case evaluation.

Fight 4 Vets