VA Calculator

The core value of the U.S. Air Force is “service before self,” and as an Air Force veteran, you understand the deeper meaning of those words. You know the Airman’s Creed that you will defend your country with your life and never leave an Airman behind. Now that you are an Air Force veteran, you may need a helping hand yourself if you have developed a disability related to your years of USAF service. It might be time to call an Air Force Veterans’ disability lawyer.

Disabilities Related to USAF Service

Whether you were an enlisted flyer, enlisted grounds crew, or an officer, you may be entitled to several types of benefits available to Air Force veterans for disabilities related to injuries or diseases developed during active military service. For example, many USAF veterans have noise-induced hearing loss from working around aircrafts and jet engines. Other common service-connected conditions include:

Gulf War Air Force veterans are more likely to have multiple health symptoms including fatigue, mood changes, and muscle aches and pains, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) compensates honorably discharged Airmen for any ratable medical disability incurred or aggravated during military service. Those Air Force veterans whose disabilities are combat-related may be entitled to special compensation. Reach out to a skilled Air Force Veterans’ disability attorney from our firm to learn more.

Disability Benefits Available to Air Force Vets

The basic disability benefit ranges from $123 to $2,613 per month, depending on the extent of the disability and its rating. If you disagree with the rating of your disability, you can write a letter to your local VA office stating that you disagree with the rating decision and want to appeal. A USAF veterans’ disability lawyer from our team can assist in preparing the appeal.

Establishing the right to disability compensation related to exposure to toxic chemicals such as Agent Orange can be a time-consuming process. Even if you’ve been denied before, you may qualify now with the Department of Veterans Affairs’ expansion of eligibility. Our Veterans’ disability attorneys are skilled at helping Air Force veterans establish their disability at every step in the claims process.

Contact an Air Force Veterans’ Disability Attorney Today

For our services, we charge Air Force veterans NO up-front lawyers’ fees. Instead, we work out an agreement in advance about what our fee will be if a disability benefit is approved. Typically, it’s a reasonable percentage of the eventual award.

If you believe that you may be eligible for disability benefits based on a service-related injury or condition, contact our firm today for a free consultation. We can offer guidance regarding your disability. To schedule a consultation, call an Air Force Veterans’ disability lawyer at our firm or use our online contact form.


Fight 4 Vets