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What does IU Mean in VA Disability?

In the legal process of VA disability compensation, you may hear the term “IU”, which means Individual Unemployability. IU is a part of the VA’s disability compensation program that allows the VA to pay certain Veterans compensation at the 100% rate even though the VA has not rated their service-connected disability at the total level.

                In order to meet the criteria for IU, a Veteran must be unable to maintain substantially gainful employment as a result of his/her service-connected disabilities. Additionally, a Veteran much have: One service-connected disability ratable at 60% or more, OR two or more service-connected disabilities, at least one disability ratable at 40% or more with a combined rating of 70% or more.

                To apply, a Veteran must submit a VA Form 21-8940, Veteran’s Application for Increased Compensation Based on Unemployability. Also, please note that Veterans may have to complete an employment questionnaire once a year in order for the VA to determine continued eligibility to Individual Unemployability. Understanding the criteria and completing the form can be difficult. That is why so many Veterans seek the legal help of attorneys like the ones at Jan Dils Attorneys at Law. We have the people, knowledge, and resources to help you get the benefits you deserve. For a free phone consultation, give us a call at 1-877-526-3457.

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