VA Calculator

Vets Not Getting the Help They Need

There are almost 22 million living veterans in the United States. To put things in perspective, the current population of the United States is roughly 318 million. With a fairly large percentage of citizens being veterans, one would hope that all 22 million are getting the care and treatment they need to live happy and healthy lives. However, a recent study showed that veterans who are in the most need are not getting the help they need.

A study conducted by the Department of Epidemiology at Rutgers, the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center, and the Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health located at the New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers (State University of New Jersey) took a look at veterans who were denied VA benefits. Specifically, looking at the vets’ overall health, healthcare utilization, and social isolation.

The study found that vets who were denied benefits were just as disabled, if not more disabled, than vets who were approved for VA benefits. Researches involved in the study said, “The evidence lends support to our contention that there is a subgroup of veterans ‘denied’ VA disability compensation who are characterized by low socioeconomic status, social isolation, and unmet medical and psychiatric health care needs.”

Isolation can be a major obstacle for vets who are initially denied. Vets can feel betrayed by the country they fought to protect and hopelessly alone with no way to get help. If your claim is initially denied keep the following in mind.

  •      Lots of vets get denied on their first application for benefits.
  •      There’s an appeals process you can go through to get benefits after a denial.
  •      You’re not alone. Lots of vets go through this every year and there are ways to get help.
  •      Using a VA benefits lawyer can help the appeals process go much smoother.

If you’ve been denied VA benefits and think you should qualify, don’t feel isolated, call Jan Dils Attorneys at Law. You’re not in this alone and it’s important to have people in your corner who know the system and can get you the benefits you need.


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