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Response to Veterans Choice Program Falls Short of VA Expectations

Earlier this month, we talked about the Veterans Choice Program, which gives eligible veterans the option of civilian healthcare.

However, new reports show that the amount of veterans who are actually taking advantage of this program is significantly lower than the VA anticipated when the Choice Card launched in November 2014.

Formed alongside additional measures in response to widespread complaints of VA healthcare facility wait times, the Veterans Choice Program covers the civilian medical care of veterans who have been waiting for a VA appointment for longer than 30 days, who live more than 40 miles from a VA facility or have geographical difficulties that make it difficult or inconvenient to travel to their closest VA medical center.

Whether you prefer civilian healthcare or are satisfied with local VA medical facilities, if you suffer from a service-connected disabling condition, it’s crucial to receive the proper medical care and treatment – especially if you wish to apply for veterans’ benefits.

For help with your VA disability benefits claim, contact the experienced team of Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law, today by calling toll-free 877-526-3455 or by sending us an email.

Fight 4 Vets