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Plans for Extending Benefits to More Vets Exposed to Agent Orange

Plans for Extending Benefits to More Vets Exposed to Agent Orange

The plan to expand the presumptive list for those Veterans exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War has been in the works for some time. And, more recently, some lawmakers in Congress have been voicing their wish for more diseases related to exposure to be added to the list of those for which Veterans may receive disability benefits.

More than 40 senators have sent letters to President Donald Trump asking for bladder cancer, hypothyroidism, Parkinson’s-like symptoms and hypertension to be added to the list of ailments related to Agent Orange exposure.

Currently, two studies from the VA are being prepared for publication, at which point the Department of Veterans Affairs plans to announce all of the conditions that will be considered to be related to Agent Orange exposure. Some Veterans groups believe the VA is taking longer than necessary to reveal this list, and have protested the delay.

The list is significant because the more conditions are included on it, the higher the number of Veterans who will be able to file claims for Veterans disability benefits.

For more information on filing a Veterans Disability claim, please feel free to give us a call anytime at 877.526.3457. One of our representatives will be happy to answer your questions. Or if you’d prefer to contact us online, please fill out this form.

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