VA Calculator

Why to Fill Out a Notice of Disagreement (NOD) First

If you’ve received an unfavorable VA Ratings Decision, we strongly advise you to prepare a Notice of Disagreement (NOD) instead of filling out a Request for Reconsideration – because those are denied more often than not.

Regardless of how others may justify this course of action, you can trust West Virginia Veterans’ Disability Attorneys with years of experience fighting for veterans’ rights in the appeals process:

Attempting to fill out a Request for Reconsideration can cost you a lot of valuable time and money with no return.

When your service-connection has been denied, it’s important to thoroughly read the appeals options and instructions detailed in your VA Ratings Decision, paying close attention to the time constraints listed therein. Unfortunately, this does not include a form or guidelines for the Notice of Disagreement, but the requirements aren’t complicated at all.

To be considered valid, a Notice of Disagreement should be in writing, identify your rating decision by date, explicitly state that you disagree with the rating decision and also explicitly state that you want to appeal the VA’s decision. It’s that simple. Adding any more information or attempting to argue your case in this document can actually throw a wrench in your appeal, so it’s best to keep it simple.

You can then return it to the VA office that decided your rating (or a different office if you’ve been told that place is now handling your case). We recommend that you make a copy of your Notice of Disagreement, use certified mail and request a return receipt to make this process as seamless as possible. In fact, you will want to keep copies of all further correspondence with the VA in case your appeal goes to the Board of Veterans Appeals.

At this point, the VA will notify you that they have received your NOD and give you further instructions on how to proceed.

For more information on how you can approach your appeal with confidence, fill out our confidential contact form to schedule your 100% free first meeting with Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law. Or you can call us toll-free at 877-526-3455.

We can give you the support you need to fight an erroneous VA Ratings Decision—and win.

Fight 4 Vets