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How Long Do VA Disability Benefits Last

Getting approved for veteran’s benefits can be a very involved process. Once vets are finally approved they often wonder how long does VA disability last or if they will have to reapply or be reexamined to keep benefits going.


In most cases, the answer to How Long Do VA Disability Benefits Last? until they die if the disable remain till the end, but there are a few exceptions.


Your benefits are stopped !!!!  or decreased !!!! there is an appeals process for veterans. Call Jan Dils Attorneys at Law  “VA benefits lawyer” Today


After the VA approves a veteran for benefits they may be subject to occasional reevaluation exams. The frequency of the re-evaluation exams will depend on the disability and how soon the disability is expected to improve or worsen. Once the veteran is re-examined their disability rating will either be increased, decreased or stay the same.So there is no fixed answer on How often does VA re-evaluate ptsd?


Sometimes the VA requires an exam to take place six months after veterans are discharged with a follow-up exam two to five years later. The point of these exams is to verify the veteran’s disability has not changed since the original exam and therefore still deserves the original disability rating.


If the VA finds a veteran’s disability has improved their disability payments could be decreased and if the VA finds the disability no longer exists, disability payments may be completely stopped or no more disability payment last.


Veterans with permanent disabilities that are never expected to improve, such as an amputation, will rarely have to go through a reevaluation. Likewise, if a veteran has the same disability rating for more than five years in a row, reevaluations will most likely stop being scheduled.


Veterans with a 100% disability rating (total disability) can only have their benefits decreased if material improvement is shown in their mental or physical condition.


Falsifying applications or medical records will almost certainly strip a veteran of their benefits if the VA finds out. Similarly, if a vet is convicted of treason, mutiny, or sabotage, or assists an enemy of the United States they will no longer be eligible for benefits.


If benefits are stopped or decreased there is an appeals process for veterans. It’s important to consider using an attorney who is skilled in VA benefits appeals. Jan Dils Attorneys at Law  “VA benefits lawyer” has spent years fighting for vets by appealing VA benefits denials.

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