If you are a Veteran, and have VA Disability Claim pending, chances are you have been confused by some of the jargon used on your case. This blog post will serve as a small glossary of terms as well as an acronym guide.
SOC: Statement of the Case
RD: Ratings Decision
SSOC: Supplemental Statement of the Case
BVA: Board of Veterans Appeals
CAVC: Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
NOD: Notice of Disagreement
DRO: Decision Review Officer
VCAA: Veterans Claim Assistance Act
C&P: Compensation and Pension
DOS: Dates of Service
IME: Independent Medical Examination
FOIA: Freedom of Information Act
DOD: Date of Death
These are just a few of the many abbreviations used in the legal process for VA Disability. Remembering all of these terms can be overwhelming at times, and that is just one of the many reasons so many Veterans turn to the legal experts at Jan Dils Attorneys as Law. For a free phone consultation, call us: 1-877-526-3457, or tell us about your claim now.