Can I Service Connect for Hepatitis C?

picWhat is Hepatitis C? Hepatitis C is a form of viral hepatitis transmitted in infected blood, causing chronic liver disease. How can a Veteran get service connected for Hepatitis C? First and foremost, the Veteran must be diagnosed. Without a diagnosis it is impossible to get service connected for Hepatitis C. Also, you must show that the Hepatitis C was aggravated or caused by military service.

One of the highest risk factors for Hepatitis C is exposure to blood. Many hospitals performed blood transfusions. The soldiers, medics, and the nurses were exposed to blood while taking care of the injured soldiers. There are several different ways that a Veteran could have been exposed and may have contracted Hepatitis C. Some examples are:  blood-to-blood contact, blood transfusions, and tattoos.

If you happen to fall under one of these categories, I would encourage you to get tested, whether it is at the VA or even a private doctor. If you are diagnosed and you have questions about how you are able to get service connected for this, Jan Dils Attorneys at Law is here to help you. We have a team of professionals with knowledge, experience and, most importantly, compassion to help out all of our Veterans in any way possible. Feel free to give us a call at 1-877-526-3457 and someone will be more than happy to assist you.


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