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Appealing your VA Rating Decision Letter, Part 1


If you’ve received your VA Rating Decision Letter and are less than satisfied with the result, it doesn’t have to be the end of the road for you. With a little strategy and reasonable proof to support your claim, your appeal can deliver the results to which you’re rightfully entitled.

The first step to overturn the VA’s rating decision is to file a Notice of Disagreement, a letter stating your disagreement and your request for a hearing. While there are no guidelines or official forms for the Notice of Disagreement, there are several things to remember that will help your case:


  • This notice must be filed within a year of the date on your Rating Decision Letter. After a year, the opportunity to appeal will not available.


  • The letter must explicitly state your disagreement with the rating decision and request an appellate review. But it doesn’t need to say why you disagree at this point.


  • In your Notice of Disagreement, it’s best to include the date on your VA Rating Decision Letter and list the issues with which you disagree. Be as specific as possible—especially if you have multiple disabilities—using the letter from the VA as a reference for exact terminology.


  • Include your Social Security Number, your Claim Number, and any other information that may help the VA identify your file.


  • The Notice of Disagreement should be mailed to your VA Regional Office by certified mail with receipt requested.


Once you have posted your Rating Decision Letter and the VA receives it, they will send you the Statement of the Case as the next step to continue the appeals process.


If you would like to discuss your Veterans Disability Benefits case with the expert professionals at Jan Dils Attorneys at Law, please click here.

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