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6 Reasons You Should Pick Up a Free Copy of Our New VA Book

We are super excited about the launch of our new book, “Getting the Veterans Benefits you Deserve,” we compiled a list of the 6 best reasons to stop by our office and pick up a copy.

1. It’s Free!

No strings attached. It’s free and you get to meet our staff.

2. It is informative.

This book was written by experts to help you get the benefits you deserve. Further, the individuals contributing information work VA disability claims every day. They know what they are talking about.

3. It will really help you.


Included in the book is a step by step guide to the VA disability process. If you find yourself lost, this book really has the answers you are looking for.

4. It is good for first-time applicants and those who have been fighting the VA for years.

The book was written so that a Veteran filing for the first time could pick it up and get started. However, we kept in mind that a lot of people already have claims pending. We wanted to engineer the book so that they would find it helpful too.

5. It is easy to read.

Ever tried to read the 38 CFR? I have. It is as dull and repetitive as Julia Roberts. Our book is written for Veterans, not judges. (We realize some judges are Veterans, but writing a book for that niche market did not make sense to us.)

6. We are honest.

We simply want to reach as many Veterans as possible, and this is one of the ways we can do it.

There you have it, six pretty good reasons to get a free book. You can request a free copy here






Fight 4 Vets