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5 goals Veterans should set in 2015 in order to get service connected

As 2014 comes to an end we are constantly reminded of all of the things we need to do in the new year to be successful. I really get tired of people asking me what my goals are for 2015. I’m now to the point where I just reply that my goals for 2015 involve marrying Jennifer Lawrence, winning an Oscar, and wrecking a Porsche 911 Turbo. This is a little ambitious for 2015, but I think it could happen. Plus it never hurts to aim high. While I am a bit of a cynic when it comes to my own goals and aspirations for 2015, I am not so facetious when it pertains to helping Veterans with goals for the New Year. Here are 5 goals every Veteran should set in 2015 to get service-connected.

  1. Seek more treatment. I really don’t have time to recall how many times I’ve told Veterans that the key to a successful claim was seeking treatment. I can tell you that it was quite a bit. Keep in mind that treatment does not necessarily mean having a major operation. Sometimes it simply means updating your doctor at your yearly checkup. For others, this can mean getting a diagnosis for a claim or getting back on medication that was once prescribed.
  2. Keep Appointments. When the VA schedules you for a hearing or C&P exam it is very important to keep those appointments. Often times missing a C&P exam will result in a denial. Even though we had a Christmas in the mid 60’s I’ve been told that it’s winter. Usually, that means snowy conditions in the east. If you can’t make it to an appointment because of weather or illness you have to be persistent when rescheduling. The VA will not bend over backward to reschedule your exam.
  3. File for claims. I’ll be completing my fourth year with the firm in April. In that time I’ve seen the average age of our new clients drop significantly. Sadly though, our younger Veterans are also not anymore aware of how to apply for benefits than that of Vets who served years ago. While there is not a lot of great info out there, I hear too many Veterans say that they didn’t apply because they weren’t sure how to get started. It can be as simple as asking someone, but you have to ask the right person. With that in mind, I have a goal in 2015 to reach more Veterans with my blog, and other social media outlets.
  4. Stay in touch with your attorney. Keeping up to date with your case is very important. It is a two-way street. We have pledged to keep our clients informed, but we can’t always get in touch with those we represent. If you move, change phone numbers, or go to the doctor, we need to know about it. You can call, email, or even use our handy form located here.
  5. Don’t give up. Don’t be discouraged just because you receive an unfavorable decision. Most Veterans get denied the first time they apply for benefits. Too often I’ve heard veterans tell me that they simply give up at that point because they don’t believe they will ever get approved. That is not true. It may take a while, but we encourage you to continue fighting for the benefits you deserve.

As the clock strikes midnight tonight a new year starts and some new beginnings arrive. If your goal is to get your VA disability benefits in 2015, then give us a call for a free consultation. Our toll-free number is 1-877-526-3457. If you can’t call, fill out this form instead, and one of our representatives will give you a call.


Fight 4 Vets