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Parachutists: You May Be Eligible for Disability Benefits

The Obstacle of Getting Your Veterans Benefits

Sometimes, the obstacle of getting your Veterans Benefits is connecting your injuries to your service. This can sometimes be a very involved process. There can be years, sometimes decades, between your service and the onset of an injury. Many Veterans aren’t aware of the veterans benefits they can receive even after their service. If you develop a disability later in life, it is often enough to show your Military Occupational Specialty Code (MOS code). This proves that it is relatable.

Studies by the VA show that service members who did a lot of parachuting develop knee and back issues in their later years. Particularly paratroopers. Due to the landing impact, it is quite common to develop problems with your back and lower extremities. The symptoms don’t often appear until years later because of service members’ young ages during their service. Some claims are automatically accepted for veterans benefits. Yet, some Veterans may require to undergo compensation and pension exams, also known as C&P exams.
VA doctors may say that it is not related due to a lack of evidence during your service. It is not hard to prove the relationship between jumping out of airplanes to back and knee injuries which you acquired later in life. Don’t worry you are eligible to receive Veterans Benefits. If this describes you, you have a right to these benefits. Our team can help you build your case and get the proper medical opinions.
The VA may try to work its way around the law and create obstacles to deny you your benefits. When really the law says that an incident occurring in service can cause the current disability. Not that your disability should appear during your service. This is where we will advise you on getting evidence to prove the connection. Jumping, repetitive landing, training constantly. Moreover, carrying heavy loads, is exactly the type of activities that can cause knee and back problems in your later years.

Contact Us

If you are a Veteran who did a lot of parachuting or had the title of Paratrooper, you are eligible to apply for Veterans Benefits. Also, if you are currently having trouble with your knees or back, you can apply for Veterans Disability Benefits.
If you have already tried to get your approval from the VA but denied, call our office of trained Veteran Disability attorneys. You might be unknown about how to how to apply for veterans benefits. You can consult with our case managers for a free consultation.
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