Any Veteran who has filed a claim for VA Disability compensation is very familiar with the long list of abbreviations used by the VA for forms and procedures. A C&P exam is often at the top of that list, but you may not be aware of what it is, or how important it is to your VA Disability Claim.
A C&P (Compensation and Pension) Exam is scheduled by the VA after you have filed a claim for service connected benefits or when filing for an increase in a service connected disability. It is the job of the VA to schedule this exam to see if this disability is related to your time on active duty and to what degree it affects your life. Each disability will be evaluated by a separate C&P exam.
In some cases, the VA may call this a C&P Hearing, but it is actually just another name for an exam. It is still a medical visit.
It is very important to attend all C&P exams that are scheduled by the VA. If you are unable to attend you will need to call the VA and reschedule this exam. If you do not show up for the exam, the VA will most likely deny your claim or continue the current rating percentage.
Let’s say you’re pursuing a disability claim for your knee only, it’s likely your knee is the only thing that will be evaluated during the exam. If you have multiple issues pending, for instance, a shoulder claim and PTSD, then you are likely to have these exams weeks, or even months later. Make sure to be truthful when answering all questions at your C&P exam.
Traditionally C&P exams are performed at a VA Medical Facility, but it is also possible to have them performed at non VA facilities. This occurs when the VA outsources your exam.
Please remember that C&P exams are a very important part of your claim. It is arguably the biggest factor for the VA to make a decision on your claims. Make it a point to go to each and every exam that is scheduled. (There may be several).
A special note for those Veterans who have an attorney representing them for VA Disability Benefits. The VA will not contact your attorney to inform them of your C&P Exam. It is your responsibility to inform your Attorney of this exam. Your attorney will request a copy of this exam so that they may review the results found by the VA. Also, in most cases, your attorney will not be present for this exam.
If you have questions or concerns about C&P exam, call us today for a free phone consultation, 1-877-526-3457, or tell us about your claim now.