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VA Updates Disability Rating Schedule for Digestive System

The Department of Veterans Affairs has announced a recent update to the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities aimed toward digestive conditions. The new changes modify the rating criteria for the 55 medical conditions on the rating schedule, and incorporates new medical advancements in treating certain disabilities to compensate Veterans more accurately. The changes will impact Veterans experiencing celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and GERD.

What Is the VA Disability Rating Schedule?

The disability rating schedule is a system the VA uses to determine the level of compensation Veterans receive for service-connected disabilities. This system is based on a person’s condition and the severity of its impact on his or her ability to work and function in daily life. Each condition has a percentage rating, which affects the monthly compensation rate that Veterans receive.

The Big Changes in Digestion System Condition Ratings

As of May 19th, 2024, celiac disease–an autoimmune disorder that impacts how the body processes gluten–has its rating criteria. This is meant to address the disabling effects this disease has on Veterans. Previously, Veterans with these conditions were granted service connections and evaluated by rating criteria that range from zero to 30 percent. Now, Veterans are eligible for an evaluation that ranges from zero to 80 percent.

The VA has also adjusted the rating system for irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS. The VA evaluated the condition as zero, 10, or 30 percent. However, the new criteria will allow Veterans to be entitled to 10, 20, or 30 percent evaluations based on the frequency of symptoms.

The rating criteria for GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) have also been adjusted. Initially, GERD was related to hiatal hernia with ratings of 10, 30, or 60 percent based on symptom frequency, severity, and duration. GERD will now be evaluated as an esophageal structure with new rating levels of 0, 10, 30, 50, or 80 percent.

A Veteran’s current rating will not automatically change because of the new updates. If you are receiving compensation for a service-connected condition on this list, you can apply for increased compensation.

What You Should Do Next

If you have been rated for a digestive disorder or are experiencing symptoms believed to be service-connected, you should review the updated rating criteria. You may find that you are entitled to an increase in rating or that you need to file a new claim if your condition has worsened. After comparing your current rating to the updated criteria to see if you qualify for more compensation, you must provide medical records that reflect your symptoms. Gathering medical documents is crucial when filing a claim or seeking an increase in compensation since it is used as crucial evidence.

It is also important to consult a VA disability attorney who can help you maximize your benefits under the new system.

Contact Jan Dils About the VA’s Updated Rating Schedule for Digestive System Disorders

The VA’s update to the Disability Rating Schedule for Digestive System is an important step to ensure that Veterans are being compensated fairly. If you are potentially impacted by these changes, you should reevaluate your benefits and determine if you should apply for an increase. Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law are here to help you navigate the claims process and ensure you receive the benefits you deserve for your condition. For more information about these updates, contact us today for a free consultation.

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