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What to Know About Appealing Your Veterans Disability Benefits Claim


If your claim for Veterans Disability Benefits has been denied, appealing your case can be a long and complicated process.

Here are some basic essentials you should know:

  • You must file your Notice of Disagreement (NOD) within one year or else you’ll have to start the application for benefits from scratch.
  • After the VA receives your NOD, they will then send back a Statement of the Case (SOC) with details backing their decision, along with a VA Form 9.
  • The VA Form 9 gives you the chance to explain why you’d like to appeal your decision.
  • But you must return VA Form 9 within 60 days of receiving your Statement of the Case OR within one year of receiving your original denial letter.

If your claim has been denied, an expert West Virginia Veterans Disability Benefits lawyer can give you the support you need to fight an erroneous VA Ratings Decision—and win.

For more information on how you can approach your appeal with confidence, fill out our confidential contact form to schedule your 100% free first meeting with Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law. Or you can call us toll-free at 877-526-3455.

Fight 4 Vets