Today we are going to discuss Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. This is a term that most of us are familiar with; however today we will discuss its true definition as well as signs and symptoms of the disorder.
The Department of Veterans Affairs defines PTSD as an anxiety disorder, not a normal response to an event that can occur after you have been through a traumatic event. This anxiety disorder involves specific mental and physical changes. This traumatic event can be something you see or experience and you may have felt your life was in danger. You may have also felt out of control in these situations. You may continue to feel other symptoms years after these events. Some of these other symptoms may include strong and unwanted memories of the event, nightmares, intense guilt or worry, angry outbursts, feeling “on edge,” and avoiding thoughts and situations that are reminders of the trauma.
When we speak of “trauma”, this can mean different things. Most people traditionally think of “trauma” as war. At one time people who suffered from PTSD were considered “shell-shocked” or thought to have “battle fatigue”. PTSD not only affects combat Veterans, but also people who suffered from flood or fire, assault, abuse, rape, kidnapping, a serious accident, or a natural disaster.
One of the signs and symptoms of PTSD is avoidance which would include feeling emotionally “numb” or not caring about anything that you normally would have cared about prior to the traumatic event. It also includes not being able to remember parts of the traumatic event. It could even include a lack of interest in things you once enjoyed. Some people tend to avoid things, places or people that remind them of the event.
Another sign or symptoms would be arousal issues. This includes difficulty concentrating, being hyperaware of your surroundings, feeling irritable or even having angry outburst. Some people also have issues with sleeping , with trouble falling or staying asleep.
You may also have “survivor’s guilt” about the event. This may cause increased anxiety, stress, and tension.
Some people experience just a few of the signs or symptoms while others experience all of them. In the upcoming blogs we will discuss how the severity of these signs and symptoms relate to a percentage of service connection for Veterans.
Please remember that this is a condition that is treatable. If you feel you suffer from PTSD, there is help available. If you don’t know where to start or feel you suffer from PTSD due to a military experience, you may want to contact a law firm that is able to help. The attorneys and staff at Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law specialize in this area and are able to help. Call toll free at 877-526-3457. Or Tell us about your case now.