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What is a VCAA on a VA Disability Claim?

If you are a Veteran who is pursuing a VA Disability claim, there is a good chance thWhat is VCAA on a VA Disability Claim?at you will receive a VCAA. If you do receive one of these documents, it can be quite confusing. You may find yourself asking: “What is a VCAA?”

The abbreviation VCAA stands for Veterans Claims Assistance Act. This document is sent to the Veteran once the VA has received a claim. This document should be received before there is a decision made on a claim.

The VCAA not only lets you know that the VA has received your claim or claims, but it also lists the claims they have received and lets you know that they are working on them. The VCAA also tells you how to helpthe VA when they are trying to get all the information they need for your claims. This document tells you what evidence the VA has already, and what additional evidence they need, like medical records or statements from people who have seen how your disability affects you. This form also explains what the VA is responsible for getting in for evidence on your claims. They describe what new and material evidence is and what it must show for service-connection or secondary service-connection. Finally, this form explains how the VA determines the disability rating and the effective date of the rating.

The VCAA is a very important piece of the process of filing claims and contains very important information. It not only assists the VA in rating your claims faster but also explains to you exactly what they need you to send them to help with your claims. Here at Jan Dils Attorneys At Law, we can help with understanding this and many other forms and we can help you get the benefits you deserve. For a free consultation, please call 1-877-526-3457. Or tell us about your case.

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