VA Calculator

What Happens After I File My Initial Application with the VA?

One of the first things Veterans ask us when they become one of our clients is: “What happens when I submit my initial application to the VA?” This is a good question, and the answer is actually quite simple; you wait for the VA to make their initial decision. After you submit your initial application to the VA, also called a 21-526, the VA will render a decision, often referred to as a Ratings Decision, or RD for short. In this decision, you will find out if your claims have been granted, or denied. (The VA can also make other decisions, but these are the most common decisions.)
In your ratings decision, if you are granted, you will likely also receive a service connected percentage. This can be anywhere from 0% to 100% depending upon your claims, the severity of the disability, and the number of claims you have submitted. Also, if you did submit multiple claims, it’s possible to get a favorable decisions on some and not others. For instance, let’s say you claimed for PTSD, Tinnitus, and Hypertension. Your rating decisions might state that you were granted 30% for PTSD, 10% for Tinnitus, but then deny you on the Hypertension. (Please note that this is a hypothetical scenario and that every claim and Veteran is different.)
If you get a ratings decision with a favorable decision, and a rating percentage that you are satisfied with, congratulations, you are done with the VA Disability Process. However, this is not often the case, and you need to submit an appeal to the VA. This is the point when so many Veterans turn to Jan Dils Attorneys at Law. Our experienced Attorneys and Staff have the knowledge to navigate you through the VA Disability Process. While we can’t speed up the process, give us a call, and learn all we have to offer: 1-877-526-3457
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