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Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injuries May Be Less Employable

Statistics from a new study suggest veterans with traumatic brain injuries sustained in combat have significantly lower odds of securing employment than veterans who did not suffer a head injury in combat.

As we’ve written before, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can have effects that follow veterans long term. From a higher risk of PTSD to psychological symptoms to mental impairments and more, these effects can make veterans with TBI less marketable for a job than other veterans, according to the study.

Of 67 veterans who suffered a TBI during combat and 67 veterans who had not suffered a TBI, 36% of the injured group of veterans was still unemployed after seven years compared to only 10% of the unaffected veterans.

The second time period of the study, 8-11 years after head injury, saw an even bigger disparity. 50% of veterans who had suffered a TBI were unemployed compared to 7% of the uninjured veterans. This asserts that veterans with TBI become less employable as time passes compared to veterans who have not suffered an injury.

Here at Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law, we are committed to fighting for the rights of veterans who suffer from service-connected conditions so they can get the treatment they need.

Contact us toll-free at 877-526-3455 or through our online contact form to schedule a 100% free initial consultation today.

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