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Types of VA Disability Compensation Claims

In order to apply for VA Disability Compensation, a veteran must make a claim. But did you know there are a few different kinds of claims? In this post, we will outline the basics of each.

Original Claim

You will make this claim whenever you have a new condition you wish to declare as service-connected. The time frame for an original claim can vary; it’s appropriate for veterans who have recently been discharged from service or veterans who have been out for many years and wish to claim an additional condition.

Increased Claim

Increased Claims occur when a veteran’s existing service-connected condition worsens. In this case, additional medical evaluation is usually needed to reassess disability rating and determine if the veteran is eligible for a higher compensation amount.

Reopened Claim

If the VA previously denied a veteran’s service-connected condition, he or she can reopen the claim after the window of time has elapsed to file an appeal. We recommend appealing if you’re still within that deadline because an appeal typically has significantly less of a wait time than reopening a claim.

Clear and Unmistakable Error (CUE) Claim

There is a rare situation in which a veteran finds a mistake made by the VA and can reopen a case that has already received a final decision after the appeal period has elapsed. This is usually a last ditch effort when he or she is otherwise out of options. And, again, it’s very rare.

If you believe you may be eligible for VA Disability Compensation due to a service-connected condition, the West Virginia Veterans’ Disability Lawyers of Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law, have proven experience in every step of the process, from the initial claim to appeal protocols and beyond.


To set up a free initial consultation, call us toll-free at 877-526-3455 or fill out our online contact form.

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