VA Calculator

VA Backlog Comparison

While the VA has made big strides in the backlog, it is still an issue for hundreds of thousands of Veterans. As of November, the VA backlog was 392,473. That number alone may not seem significant. However, we decided to compare the backlog with a few other things from around the world to put it in perspective. The VA considers a claim to be backlogged if it is more than 125 days old.

We know comparing the backlog to album sales isn’t oranges to oranges. We are just showing how it compares to some other statistics.

Backlog info

































It should be noted that our graphic was completed using the information from VA report dated November 25th, 2013. The VA does release these reports every Monday. Two weeks later, that number has increased to 395,358 claims backlogged. To learn more about how the backlog is affecting claims, read this blog about preliminary decisions. If you would like to learn more about the services we provide, give us a call for a free consultation. Our toll free number is 1-877-526-3457. You can also fill out this form, and we will give you call. We have also written a book about the VA Disability process. To request a free copy (including shipping) click here.



Fight 4 Vets