Roadside bombs and improvised explosive devices (IED) are something Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans are sadly all too familiar with. Because of these explosive devices, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) have come to be known as a “signature injury” of these wars.
When vets first started reporting mass amounts of TBIs the VA was criticized for mishandling the treatment process. The VA severely underestimated the cost of treatment for a TBI and left vets with not enough coverage to get the help they needed TBI can present with both physical and psychological symptoms, which is why it is so important vets get the appropriate amount of coverage. Vets can also have residual effects of TBI, with symptoms that don’t appear immediately.
New parameters
In response to the criticism the VA announced in December 2013 they would begin to recognize an additional five disabilities connected to TBI. By recognizing more disabilities the VA hopes to provide better care to more vets. The five newly recognized disabilities are:
The VA will use several different methods to test vets for TBI. The common tests will include MRI and PET scans, length of amnesia and the Glasgow Coma Scale. These tests will help determine if the TBI is mild, moderate or severe.
If you’ve been diagnosed with a TBI or you think you qualify for benefits call Jan Dils Attorneys at Law. Using a qualified VA benefits attorney ensures you will understand your rights and benefits.