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Securing Compensation with the Help of a Veterans Disability Lawyer

An article from Stars and Stripes, an independent news source to the U.S. military community, published last February 19, 2014 announces the Department of Veterans Affairs’ plan to fast track applications of veterans for their benefits and compensation packages:

Veterans with a Department of Veterans Affairs disability compensation rating of 100 percent Permanent and Total will soon have their applications for Social Security disability benefits processed faster, the Social Security Administration announced Wednesday.

“Social Security will treat these veterans’ applications as high priority and issue expedited decisions, similar to the way the agency currently handles disability claims from Wounded Warriors,” the organization said in a press release.

“Our veterans have sacrificed so much for our country and it is only right that we ensure they have timely access to the disability benefits they may be eligible for and deserve,” Acting Commissioner of Social Security Carolyn Colvin said in the news release.

This move only highlights the struggles that most veterans face while waiting for their benefits to be sorted out. These compensation packages are their only hope to get what’s due to them for the services they rendered for the country. Faster processing can greatly improve a lot of these veterans’ conditions, especially when it comes to their physical and mental well-being. Meting out suitable assistance can facilitate their medical treatment and rehabilitation, as well as proper pension for their families.

However, over the years, different administrations are changing and making various rules and regulations that make application processing confusing and winding for most veterans. Those who wish to understand unfamiliar developments in the processing system should consult experienced veterans disability lawyers, such as those from Fight 4 Vets, who can guide them through lengthy legal proceedings. Moreover, these lawyers can serve as their legal representative, giving them appropriate advice and guidance every step of the way.

The article further states that although applications will be expedited, there’s still no guarantee that every application for benefits will be approved. Fortunately, with a dependable veterans disability lawyer at their side to push for their recompense, veterans can establish a stronger claim or request to have their claims reviewed through comprehensive documentation, records, and appeals.

(Source: Veterans could have Social Security disability benefits expedited, Stars and Stripes, February 19, 2014)

Fight 4 Vets