In my line of work I often catch things that I may have missed if I were simply a paralegal or other legal professional. While the world of social media isn’t quite as glamorous as something like ice road trucking, it can lead to some great experiences. Late last fall I noticed that a local race track I follow on Facebook had open spots for fundraising nights in the upcoming season. Without hesitation I contacted the track to request approval for our Walk4Vets. They quickly got back to me stating that they had a few spots left and that they were happy to have a Veterans charity on hand.
Last Friday night our date finally came up. We were informed by the track that we were allowed to have up to six individuals participate in the 50/50 drawing. This group included myself, two employees of ours named Michelle, one of our receptionists named Amy, and two National Guard Veterans. Steve is Amy’s husband and the other Veteran, Shawn, is the advisor to the West Virginia University at Parkersburg Veterans Corps. This group happens to be the benefactor of our Walk4Vets this year.
The experience at the track was incredible. Located in the small town of Ripley, West Virginia, I-77 Raceway Park was very accommodating. With weather conditions that were perfect for racing, the stands were quite full. Having a couple of Vets on hand made the experience even greater. Steve, Amy’s husband, was in uniform. It was really great to see small kids interact with him and the adults thank him for his service. He and Shawn both had a blast. Shawn had never been to any such event prior. Watching him take everything in was quite entertaining. In the pits earlier in the day they actually had the chance to get a photo with another Veteran who had a car in the field. They were drawn to his car because it had several military decals on it, including a POW/MIA tribute.
In total, we raised $560.00 for our Walk4Vets in September. It was a highly successful night by way of the money raised, but the experience will be what stays with me. From watching the spectators interact with our Vets, to having people thank us, and the entire Jan Dils crew for what we do, and countless other moments, the night will stay with me for a while. Getting to work with Veterans is truly one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. I love getting to do these types of events because, for just a brief moment, others get to experience what I do every day.
Special Thanks to the fine folks at I-77 Raceway Park for allowing us to do the 50/50 drawing last Friday. If you’re ever in the area take in a race at their facility. You can see their entire schedule here.
If you would like to know more about the Walk4Vets, click here. Register now and save $5.
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