There are several job and career resources available for veterans. To start with, you can visit the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) website,, where you can find coaching tips and reintegration tools, career development education, civilian job opportunities and resources that will help you learn how to best utilize your skills and strengths.
You can also find information about career expos that are close to you by visiting the website These free events are designed to link veterans and active military members with job opportunities and educational institutions.
Other websites that list information about job fairs include and If you are unable to locate a job fair close to you or cannot attend on the dates listed, both of these websites also offer online job fair options.
Studies show that employment offers a valuable sense of purpose, support and structure to veterans after they end their service and may alleviate some of the emotional effects veterans often experience.
If you are a veteran suffering from a service-connected disability, you can contact an experienced VA Disability Attorney at Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law, by calling 1-877-Veteran 877-526-3455“>(877-526-3455) or by sending us an email.