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Important Information About the VA Disability Phone Number 1-800-827-1000

It’s been several years since the Department of Veterans Affairs consolidated their regional offices into eight call centers to field phone inquiries from veterans across the nation.

But many individuals believe they are calling their closest regional benefits office when they dial the toll-free number listed for the Veterans Benefits Administration (1-800-827-1000), so let’s clarify what it means to call this VA disability phone number.

If you are a veteran residing in Charlotte, North Carolina, for example, you may believe that you are speaking with someone from the Winston-Salem Regional Benefit Office, or whichever location is personally handling your claim. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. When you call the VA disability number 1-800-827-1000, you will be speaking to someone at one of the eight call centers, regardless of geographical location.

This call center representative only has access to information from a national VA database that may or may not be correctly updated. These records are not as detailed or guaranteed to be as accurate as your personal file located at your regional office.

If you’re having trouble communicating with to the VA or 1-800-827-1000 about your claim, or want to avoid unnecessary confusion during the sometimes-lengthy application process, the experienced veterans’ benefits lawyers at our firm can help. We will fight for the benefits you deserve, even if your claim has been denied.

Contact us toll-free today to set up your free initial consultation.

Fight 4 Vets