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How Do I get Service Connected for a Shoulder Injury?

As someone who works with Veterans on a daily basis, I see a lot of similar injuries in those who served. One example of this would be injuries to the shoulder and the arm. These injuries can occur in combat and in non-combat duties. Getting service connected VA disability for a shoulder, arm, and leg, etc. can be quite difficult. One thing many Veterans do not realize is that range of motion plays a huge part in the evaluation of their disability and its benefits.

Range of motion is the distance and direction of movement of a joint. With this definition in mind, we can determine that a limited range of motion means a specific joint or body part cannot move through its normal range of motion.

How does VA rate shoulder injury?

There are so many factors that have to be taken into account when being rated for shoulder and arm injury. Examples include Malunion (meaning, the healing of a fracture within correct anatomical alignment) and Nonunion (meaning, failure of a broken bone to heal).

The scapula and humerus move as one piece. Unfavorable ankylosis with abduction limited to 25 degrees from the side can rate 40% for nondominant arm and 50% for dominant arm, for example.  A clavicle or scapula impairment of dislocation is rated 0% to 40%.  A shoulder condition can affect the humerus, clavicle, range of motion for the arm and recurrent dislocation (Fibrous union– this is what forms tendons and ligaments).

These are just some of the examples; it can be very complex when working on a shoulder injury/condition.  Keep in mind all joints (shoulder, elbow, knee, and back) are based on a range of motion, not the amount of pain it causes or the amount of medication needed for relief. At Jan Dils Attorneys at Law, we have the knowledge and resources to help you navigate the process VA rating for shoulder injury. Call our office today for a free phone consultation: 1-877-526-3457. Or use our online contact form.

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