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Finding a Reliable Veterans Disability Lawyer May Come Later in Life

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is, unfortunately, quite common among many war veterans, making it one of the biggest reasons why every year, some families seek the help of an established veterans disability lawyer. However, PTSD may actually manifest later in life, perhaps several decades later, according to a story told by Michigan Radio reporter Kate Wells about one World War II veteran under the care of a Veteran Affairs (VA) hospice. The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs refers to this particular type of PTSD as Late Onset Stress Symptomatology or LOSS:

“LOSS differs from PTSD in that LOSS appears to be closely related to the aging process.

People with LOSS might live most of their lives relatively well. They go to work and spend time with family and friends.

Then they begin to confront normal age-related changes such as retirement, loss of loved ones, and increased health problems. As they go through these stresses, they may start to have more feelings and thoughts about their military experiences.”

The best way to treat PTSD is through urgent action, especially since therapies and medications for this disorder are most effective when the symptoms are not yet severe. Veterans ought to know that PTSD related to their time in service can make them eligible for VA disability benefits regardless of how long ago they served. This is why families need to work with law firms that specializes in VA benefits like Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law to convince the VA that their loved ones deserve either or both financial and medical assistance.

After all, the effects of PTSD can be very serious, especially if people who have it don’t seek immediate treatment. The symptoms for this disorder are generally classified as hyperarousal (i.e. increased anger, irritability, restlessness, etc.), re-experiencing (i.e. nightmares, phantom limb syndrome), or numbing (i.e. detachment to reality, hopelessness, etc.). Most cases of PTSD only bring about one or two symptoms, and these could be enough for PTSD-sufferers to find it difficult to resume their normal lifestyle, let alone perform “substantially gainful activities”. This is one of the most effective arguments used by experienced veterans disability lawyers.

Although the Department of Veterans Affairs is making the necessary changes in their system to ensure prompt support for veterans diagnosed with PTSD, it would still be a wise move for claimants to consult and work with knowledgeable disability lawyers. For one, this will help increase their chances of approval as all the paperwork and documentation are accurately filled out and accomplished on time.

(Source: For some aging vets, PTSD triggered late in life, Michigan Radio, April 08, 2014)

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