VA Calculator

Am I Eligible for Veteran’s Disability Compensation?

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs establishes the criteria for Veterans disability compensation. Each program is designed to award Veterans compensation if they meet the set criteria. Disability benefits provide monthly income and support for Veterans who sustained a debilitating injury during military service, for retired Veterans and for Veterans in need of vocational rehabilitation.

A few of the benefit programs offered to disabled Veterans include:

  • Specially Adapted Housing Grants – for Veterans with a service-connected disability; you can apply for a home that has been built or renovated to help you with your disability, or you may receive money to improve your current home. Veterans who have lost a limb, lost their sight or sustained severe burns are eligible to apply for a housing grant.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment – for Veterans with a service-connected disability who are at minimum 20 percent disabled, or Veterans who receive a 10 percent disability rating with a severe handicap that makes working difficult.
  • Concurrent Retirement and Disability Payments – for Veterans with a 50 to 100 percent service-connected disability with at least 20 years of one of the following:
    • Active duty
    • Full-time National Guard service
    • Reserve duty
    • Combat-Related Special Compensation – for Veterans who suffered a serious injury during combat. The program provides full military retirement pay plus VA disability compensation, and is limited to Veterans who have more than 20 years of military service, currently receive military retirement payments and have a 10 percent or higher VA-rated injury.

Benefits Guidance from Fight4Vets

As a disabled Veteran, you should ensure you receive all the benefits you are entitled to for your time of service. The offices of Fight4Vets offer guidance in all Veterans benefits to help you understand each benefit offered. Contact our office today for a free consultation.

Fight 4 Vets