VA Calculator

Do I Make too Much Money for VA Disability Compensation?

Recently, a client that I am often in contact with at the office stopped by to give me an update. He was actually a little upset. He had recently found a new job, and he was worried that he could no longer pursue his VA disability claim.

I quickly took this veteran into one of our consultation rooms and explained to him how VA disability compensation works. I explained that even if he made 30 million dollars a year, he would still be eligible for disability compensation benefits. He seemed a little hesitant about that, so I explained further. VA disability compensation is not income-based. Thus, the amount of money a veteran makes in a given year has no effect on his or her compensation. He understood, but then replied, “My buddy lost his compensation because he and his wife made too much money.”

After hearing this, I explained to him that his buddy probably did not receive disability compensation, but rather he likely received a Veterans’ Pension. A lot of people do not realize that Veteran disability compensation and Pensions are actually two separate things. Due to the fact that a Pension is income-based, you may lose that benefit depending upon your monthly earnings.

The veteran thought for a second and then realized that his buddy did mention the word Pension in a recent conversation. After I explained that we would still be able to pursue his claim, he was very relieved.

At our Veterans disability firm, we never hesitate to educate veterans about the complexities of the VA disability claims process. This is just one of the many ways we serve our clients. If you would like to know more about what we do, or if you would like a FREE consultation, give us a call today. We can work with Veterans from anywhere in the country.

Fight 4 Vets