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Can I Service Connect for Alzheimer’s Disease?

As you may have learned from our previous VA Disability Benefits blogs, a Veteran is eligible for compensation if he or she can prove that injuries or mental conditions can be tied to service. While some conditions occur during service, others may show up Alzheimer's diseaseshortly after discharge. A number of these conditions may qualify as presumptives (usually categorized by what era or theatre in which the Veteran served).

Like a number of other mental and physical illnesses, the VA may not service connect Alzheimer’s disease unless diagnosed in service. At this point in time, there is no known way to link a Veteran’s time in the service with this illness. However, one thing to count on is that laws do change over time and this may not be the case in the future for Veterans suffering from this disease.

If you have questions about what issues qualify for compensation from the VA, contact Jan Dils Attorneys at Law at 1-877-526-3457. Our knowledgeable staff will be glad to help you through this complicated process

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