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Budget Cuts May Affect Veterans’ Benefits

After the Pentagon published its budget proposal for the coming fiscal year of 2014, it was clear that there would be budget cuts that may affect our Veterans’ benefits.  John E. Hamilton, the U.S. national commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars commented, “The VFW recognizes that the Pentagon has tough decisions to make about its budget, but the proposals in this year’s budget breaks faith with our volunteers by further burdening our military retirees and our military families.”  He went on to say that these budget cuts, “threaten to hollow out the all-volunteer force.”

The 2014 Defense Budget only provides a one-percent pay increase while increasing the costs of health care benefits to our retired military and their families.  The VFW views this as unacceptable and stated that our military should receive a pay raise equal to what our civilians expect to receive, especially considering the fact that our military consists of volunteers putting their lives on the line for our country.  The VFW further believes that if these budget cuts to our military do go into effect it will greatly endanger the military’s ability to recruit volunteers of the caliber necessary to defend our nation.

Items Included in the New Defense Budget

The new defense budget does include:

  • A two percent increase in military housing allowances
  • Investments in military transition will be continued
  • Increased investments in subsistence allowances
  • Sexual assault prevention investments
  • Suicide prevention investments
  • Full funding for tuition assistance programs for 2014

Assistance from a VA Attorney in West Virginia

Fight4Vets takes an active role in assisting our military Veterans in West Virginia in receiving the benefits they deserve.  Contact Fight4Vets today, and schedule an appointment to meet with one of our VA attorneys.

Fight 4 Vets