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What is an “Intent to File” for VA Claims?

It is no secret that navigating the various documentation requirements of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can be exhausting. Failing to provide a critical document, or submitting it with errors, could delay your acceptance or even result in an outright denial. For this reason, it is even more crucial that you stay on top of all submission deadlines, either independently or with the assistance of a qualified Veterans disability lawyer. One of the most significant of these is the “intent to file” form.

What is an Intent to File?

The intent to file form is relatively simple. In short, it notifies the VA that you are initiating the claims submission process in hopes of securing benefits. The VA uses these intent to file forms to monitor submissions relating to the following types of benefits:

  • Pension benefits
  • Disability compensation
  • Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC)

By submitting your intent to file form, you are essentially providing yourself and the VA with a recorded start date for when you should be receiving disability benefits from a service-connected condition.

Why Is It Important to Submit an Intent to File?

Submitting an intent to file form is crucial for a few reasons. To begin with, it signals to the VA that you are formally beginning your claims process and are entitled to all that follows from that. Once you submit your intent to file, you are also placing a timeline on yourself and your claim. From the date of notification, you have exactly one year to complete and successfully file your claim.

Perhaps most significantly, since the intent to file form serves as the VA’s start date for your benefits, once the office approves your claims, they may owe you retroactive payments up to when they processed your intent to file form. Once you submit this form, you can begin completing applications such as the Disability Compensation Claim, moving yourself one step closer to securing the benefits you deserve.

How to Submit the VA’s Intent to File Form

There are a variety of ways you can submit your intent to file. You can start your submission immediately by completing the form online through the VA’s database. Likewise, you can call the VA or notify the office in person or by mail.

Talk to an Attorney About How an “Intent to File” Form Affects Your Benefits

While the intent to file form is relatively simple when compared to the variety of other forms you will have to complete to secure your benefits, you may still have concerns that you are doing it incorrectly. If this is the case, it may be worth it to hire an experienced Veterans disability lawyer to help you navigate the process from start to finish. As members of the largest Veterans law firm in the country, we have the experience to ensure a seamless process. Contact us now to schedule a free consultation and solidify the date where your benefits should begin.

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