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The Challenges of Transitioning From Active Military to Civilian Life

The military is dedicated to protecting the freedom and safety of US citizens. It is important for civilians to return such efforts and fight for the protection of Veterans, especially as they re-enter civilian life.

This transition from military life to civilian life can prove to have numerous obstacles. Veterans may be challenged with new financial burdens or may suffer from physical or mental conditions because of their active military service. Understanding these challenges, both from the perspective of Veterans and civilians, will help ease the transition to civilian life.

Reconnecting With Other People

After active service in the military, Veterans may feel disconnected from their friends, family, and other social circles when returning to civilian life.

Communication may have been strained during your time in active service, especially if you were based on the other side of the world, so reconnecting may feel almost like reintroducing yourself. Sharing important stories and milestones with each other is a good way to feel reconnected.

It is also important for civilians to treat Veterans with as much respect as anyone else, especially as the average civilian will be unfamiliar with the experiences of a military personnel. Consider making an effort to learn about the hobbies and interests of a Veteran outside of their past active military position.

Entering the Workforce

The workplace poses specific differences compared to the military. Not only are the daily structure and tasks different, but the focus on competition over camaraderie may feel jarring to a Veteran. It is important to have a strong network of supporters to help transition into a new competitive environment.

Generally, finding a job is challenging. For a Veteran who may have very specific skills for the military, they may have additional difficulties finding jobs that align with these skills. There may be a period of time when Veterans are learning how to search, apply, and interview for a civilian job.

Obtaining Basic Necessities

As opposed to in the military, civilian life offers a variety of choices regarding basic necessities, like clothing, food, or housing. The number of choices may feel overwhelming to a Veteran, and additional time and patience is important to maintain a sense of control over these choices.

Adjusting to a New Schedule

Being an active military professional requires a unique schedule and daily activities. Returning to civilian life after having such a structured day-to-day lifestyle may feel odd. For example, a service member remains on duty until their mission is complete as opposed to a civilian who likely ends their work day at 5 p.m. every day.

With more schedule freedom and hierarchical ambiguity, finding a new sense of structure and routine will require additional effort and time for a Veteran.

Are You or a Loved One Eligible for Veterans Disability?

At Fight4Vets, we are here to support Veterans in their transition from active military life to civilian life. We understand that this time can pose new obstacles and want to show our dedication to helping Veterans overcome such obstacles.

If you or a loved one is experiencing debilitating physical or mental conditions because of active military service, you may be entitled to Veterans disability benefits.

However, actually having your claim approved can be challenging and time consuming. Having an experienced attorney by your side significantly increases your chances of a successful claim. Call us to start your disability case evaluation today!

Fight 4 Vets