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Temporary 100% VA Disability Claims Due to Hospitalization or Convalescence Periods

Securing a disability rating from the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) can be incredibly time-consuming. Not only does the VA require that applicants demonstrate just how much their disability impacts their daily life, but they must also provide documentation by approved physicians confirming symptoms and past treatments.

It may be possible to achieve a 100% disability rating for at least a short time after you have been hospitalized or are convalescing and cannot do the things you normally do. Read on to learn more.

What Is a Temporary Disability Rating?

After the application process is completed, the VA assigns Veterans a disability rating based on the severity of the condition he or she acquired while in service. From there, the VA uses the rating to determine what benefits the Veteran is owed. These typically do not change much unless an individual’s condition worsens. One of the few ways ratings can increase is through temporary disability ratings.

These are disability ratings that are assigned in situations where a Veteran’s condition has worsened but is expected to improve after a set period of time. They are typically given in cases where an individual is recovering from surgery or receiving some sort of treatment for their service-related condition.

It is important to note that, just as the name implies, these ratings are temporary and only last for a specific period, after which the Veteran’s condition is subject to reexamination and subsequent adjustment. After this period, the injured Veteran will return to a permanent disability rating that will dictate his or her benefits moving forward.

What Qualifies Someone For a Temporary 100% VA Disability Rating?

As with any type of VA benefit, there are certain requirements Veterans must meet to qualify for a temporary 100% disability rating. The VA states that in order to be eligible, you must have been hospitalized for at least 21 days or had a convalescence period of at least 30 days for a service-connected disability. This hospitalization can be for psychiatric reasons, as well; and if they are receiving psychiatric treatment from alcoholism and/or drug use due to their service-connected injury, that can also be cited for a temporary 100% disability claim.

Temporary disability can apply if the Veteran had surgery which led to severe issues, such as unhealed surgical wounds, recent amputations, and being confined to a wheelchair or their house. It also applies if they have one or more joints on their body that are immobilized due to wearing a cast. Consult one of our attorneys to discuss more situations where this rating might apply.

Depending on the severity of the hospital or convalescence time, temporary ratings can last anywhere from one to three months, with further extensions of up to three months in severe instances.

Call us to Discuss a Temporary 100% VA Disability Rating During a Hospitalization or Convalescence Period

Similar to securing a permanent disability rating, Veterans need to apply to secure temporary disability ratings. You can file claims online or by mail, in person, and with the help of a trained professional. Navigating the disability application process can be more difficult than you think, especially if you are already suffering total disability from both your injury and a major medical procedure.

If your situation makes it extremely difficult to manage a disability application, do not hesitate to contact the experienced attorney team at Fight4Vets. As the largest Veterans law firm in the country, we can get you the help you need, so call today for a free case evaluation.

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