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Micro Injuries from Parachute Jumps That Lead to Joint Issues

Utilized for surprise attacks, seizing strategic objectives, allocating equipment, and even assisting in natural disasters, paratroopers are crucial for military operations. Being a military member comes with inherent risks, and a paratrooper’s role is no exception.

Unfortunately, parachute jumps are characterized by high injury rates, which can hinder the effectiveness of the military strategy. Overuse injuries in lower limbs are the most common type of injury in the military—repetitive trauma from the impact of landing can lead to prolonged injuries down the road.

What Exactly is Microtrauma?

Minor injuries that occur over a period of time from a repeated, low-intensity force are referred to as “microtraumas.” These injuries typically involve physical stress applied to the bones, muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, cartilage, or associated tissues that exceed the capacity for normal tissue function.

The continual action of parachute jumps increases the chance for several microtraumas that can accumulate, causing more severe health issues. With each microtrauma, tissue damage develops as the persistent stress overloads the tissue’s normal recovery ability. Acute knee pain can later turn into chronic pain or even traumatic arthritis. Long-term effects negatively impact the physical and mental health of those in the armed forces.

How to Prevent Traumatic Injuries

There are many ways that service members can actively work to prevent traumatic injuries caused by the buildup of microtraumas, including:

  • Gradually building up training regimens to increase the body’s resilience to physical stressors
  • Prioritizing rest and recovery
  • Incorporating stretching into a daily routine
  • Always using the recommended safety equipment
  • Adhering to safety protocols
  • Living a healthy lifestyle, avoiding things that can hinder normal bodily functions for recovery (lack of sleep, drugs, alcohol)

Ultimately, if any pain is experienced while participating in an activity, it is essential to stop right away and visit a doctor. Leaving an injury unaddressed could result in being discharged from the armed forces altogether.

Do You Have a Long-Term Injury Caused by Microtrauma Buildup?

If you are suffering from physical or mental health conditions resulting from active military service, you could be entitled to benefits. At Fight4Vets, we understand your pain. A seasoned veterans’ disability lawyer from our firm will work tirelessly to secure the benefits you deserve for your valiant service. Contact us today for a free case consultation.

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