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Common Secondary Claims to PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is categorized as a mental health condition. Many veterans develop PTSD during or after their military service due to traumatic or shocking events.

There are also many conditions directly correlated with PTSD, which may warrant a secondary claim for benefits. Below are common secondary claims to PTSD.

Migraine Headaches

Migraines are a common secondary condition of PTSD. Multiple types of highly painful headaches can be associated with PTSD, including migraine headaches and tension headaches. A direct link can be drawn between headaches and PTSD, with an estimated 32% of veterans with PTSD experiencing headaches.


Hypertension is diastolic blood pressure, usually 90mmHg or higher, and refers to blood pressure levels that can be dangerous. There is a direct correlation between PTSD and hypertension. However, veterans without PTSD also experience higher rates of hypertension. This condition ranges in severity and often leads to other health issues.

Sleep Apnea

PTSD and sleep apnea often accompany one another. However, disturbed sleep and sleep deprivation can make PSTD symptoms worse, making the simultaneous conditions difficult to manage. In addition, the combination of sleep apnea and PTSD is also linked to higher stress levels, another common condition for veterans. Although it can be difficult to assess this condition, symptoms include persistent nightmares, severe lack of sleep, and inability to get a deep sleep.

Seek Legal Help for PTSD and Secondary Claims

If you are diagnosed with PTSD after military service, you may also be suffering from secondary conditions. Filing a claim for secondary conditions can be complex, but an experienced attorney could guide you through every step of the process. Contact our office to learn more about common secondary claims to PTSD and get the legal help you need.

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