Study Explores Benefits of Yoga on PTSD

A recent article in The Washington Post highlighted the benefits of yoga, not only for the improvement of mental and physical health in general, but also for soldiers and veterans who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

As we’ve highlighted in past posts, up to 20% of Americans returning from war in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder, including debilitating memories, increased anxiety, changes in personality and hyper-arousal. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, these symptoms may contribute to an average of 22 American veterans taking their own lives each day.

The VA and other organizations have responded with support programs, and many veterans who suffer from PTSD are also prescribed medications to alleviate their symptoms. But according to the Washington Post article, researchers have found yoga can contribute to improved mental balance, redirection of negative thoughts and reduced stress.

This new study is the first to scientifically explore the benefits of yoga’s breathing and meditation techniques on PTSD and the autonomic nervous system. Results determined that the sample who had done yoga clinically exhibited improved PTSD symptoms, lower anxiety and lower respiration rates compared to soldiers who had not done yoga. Researchers hope to expand the study to a wider demographic with the goal that yoga will be a more commonly prescribed treatment for veterans in the future.

If you suffer from PTSD or another service-related condition and would like more information on veterans disability benefits, call an expert veterans disability benefits lawyer at Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law, toll-free at 877-526-3455 or use our online contact form to schedule a 100% free initial consultation.

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