So you have been diagnosed with PTSD and were granted service connection by the VA. Now, you’re probably wondering how the VA decides what rating you should be assigned and if it is accurate. In this blog, I would like to explain to you what is means to be granted at a 30% rating for service connected PTSD. It is important to understand the criteria and to know that you must meet most of the requirements in order for it to be granted.
The most common symptom that the VA looks for when determining a PTSD rating is how the condition has affected your work and personal life. For a 30% grant, you would have to show that your work efficiency has declined and that your personal relationships have decreased. An example of this could be that you are beginning to occasionally miss work due to lack of motivation. Maybe you’ve also noticed that you are beginning to distance yourself from others, such as your friends and/or significant other. The VA will also look to see how often you feel depressed, have anxiety, or have panic attacks. Are you having panic attacks on a weekly basis, or more often? If so, you could be at a 30% rating for PTSD. You will also find that most of those who are depressed or anxious also suffer from sleep deprivation and mild memory loss. This means you are unable to sleep well at night, possibly due to nightmares, or are forgetting names of people or even recent events.
These are all symptoms of PTSD, and it is important to understand the criteria one must meet in order to be service connected at specific ratings. If you are battling PTSD, please remember to always seek treatment and if you need help with your claim, please contact the Jan Dils Attorneys at Law office at 1-877-526-3457, Or Tell us about your case.