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5 Helpful Tips for any Veteran Seeking VA Disability Compensation.

I won’t lie to you; Veterans Disability is not a walk in the park. It can be a tough and long process that will leave you emotionally frustrated and physically tired. However, I have been working in VA Disability for close to three years now, and I have learned a few things during my time here. These are 5 tips to help you get through your VA Disability Claim.

  1. Be patient. You are probably thinking that it’s not fair that I suggest patience as the number one tip. You might be thinking that you shouldn’t have to wait for your claim to process. I would agree with that, but I am a realist, and I know there is nothing you or I can do to speed up your claim. I wish I could get every Veteran their benefits within a week and that you all would be satisfied with the result, but it simply won’t happen. I have spoken with hundreds of Veterans through my work with the firm, and the ones with a positive attitude have an easier time with their claims than those who have a negative attitude. If you are out of work, have bills piling up, and are suffering from a disability, this may be tough to do. Remember that you are not alone in your frustration with this process.
  2. Educate yourself about the process. If you are reading this blog there is a good chance you are interested in learning more about the VA Disability process. Continue reading this blog and check other sources too, such as the VA website, to keep up to date with the changes in the VA. Further, learning more about the process as a whole will likely make you feel more at ease about what’s going on. Most people would not go into a complicated surgery, or buy a house, without doing research first on what to expect. In this modern time, there is more information available than at any time in history.
  3. Find others like yourself. I have a lot of friends who are Veterans. One thing they all enjoy doing is talking to other Veterans. If you are already talking to each other, why not discuss your VA Disability Claim too. Perhaps your buddy has a resource that will benefit you or the name of a great treatment facility. For Veterans suffering from PTSD, depression, or any other type of mental disability, seeking help from your peers can make a world of difference. A lot of VA facilities offer group counseling, and several of our clients claim it helps.
  4. Seek treatment. Regardless if you have a physical disability, or a mental disability, seeking treatment will be beneficial for you and your case. When it comes to your physical health, it pretty much goes without saying that seeking treatment will be helpful. Physical therapy, medication, and other forms of treatment will likely help you feel better. When it comes to your claim, seeking treatment can lead to your it getting approved. The VA needs to know that your disability is affecting you now. Seeking treatment will show that it is bothering you. Not seeking treatment will make them assume that you are fine.
  5. Hire an attorney. Of course, the blog writer who works for an attorney would suggest hiring one. Honestly, I would not suggest doing this if I did not believe in what we do here. No, we can’t speed up your claim, but we can do so much more for Veterans. For instance, have you ever tried to read an SSOC? The first time I saw one I nearly went into convulsions because of the enormous amount of legal language. On top of that, the SSOC can be several pages long.  An attorney, like Jan Dils Attorneys at Law, will review all of your paperwork, submit responses to the VA, research your case, represent you at hearings, and so much more. I mentioned in the introduction that VA Disability is stressful; why not let someone else handle the bulk of that stress for you.


I hope these 5 tips will help you with your VA Disability claim. If you would like to know more about what we do, give me a call today for a free consultation. Our toll-free number is 1-877-526-3457. If you would rather I contact you, fill out this form now.


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