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The Dependent Scholarship Winner 2024 - Christopher Freshwater

Christopher Freshwater!

Biography: “My name is Christopher and I am from Williamsburg, VA, and I am studying government and leadership at American University in Washington, D.C. After college, my goal is to serve as a military officer before serving in leadership within the federal government. My career interests were inspired by my own experience as a U.S. Senate Page and growing up watching my father serve as a full-time activity duty member of the Air National Guard serving missions both stateside and overseas.”

Christopher’s reaction: “I was completely thrilled to learn that I am a recipient of the Fight4Vets Dependent Scholarship. It’s truly inspiring to see organizations like Fight4Vets stepping up to support military families by providing college scholarships to military dependents. These scholarships not only ease the financial burden of higher education but also honor the sacrifices made by military families. I could not be more thankful and honored to receive this scholarship as I begin my college career.”

2023 Dependent Scholarship Winner Abby Then

Abby Then!

Biography: “My name is Abby Then, and I am a proud Army brat! I was born in Tennessee, and have lived in 8 states and two countries. My parents are from North Carolina and most of my extended family resides there, so that is where we chose to settle down after my dad’s 26 year career in the Army. Recently, I graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Art in International Affairs, and I am currently pursuing a Master of International Policy at the same institution – Go Dawgs! I love animals, spending time with my family and friends, running, cooking and reading.”

Abby’s reaction: “Words cannot express my profound gratitude and excitement for being chosen as this year’s recipient of the Fight4Vets Dependent Scholarship. Organizations and opportunities like this one are instrumental in alleviating the financial burden of higher education, and I am acutely aware of how fortunate I am to be selected. I want to thank Fight4Vets for providing me with this invaluable financial security. Growing up as a military brat comes with trials and tribulations, but this scholarship is a poignant reminder of the resilience and perseverance that I, along with all military children, develop through our unique journeys. With the support of this scholarship, I am eager to continue my educational pursuits and eagerly anticipate the chance to contribute back to a country that has bestowed upon me countless opportunities.”


Joy Lett!

Biography: “Hello! I was born in Georgia, but I was raised in two countries and PCSed across six states, so I can officially be considered an army brat! But since most of my relatives reside in California, I see it as my “home state.” At the age of seventeen, I earned my associate’s degree while enrolled in a dual credit program. I am now pursuing a management major with a business administration specialization at Western Kentucky University to complete my undergraduate degree. From there I plan to pursue my MBA at the same institution.”

Joy’s Reaction: “I was en route to my classes when I learned that I had been selected as the “Fight4Vet’s Dependent Scholarship” winner. A sensation of gratitude and serenity instantly overcame me. I am incredibly grateful to the Fight4Vets team for contributing to the financial security of veterans, dependents, and the whole military community. Being an army brat has required a lot of perseverance, and receiving this scholarship has solidified the maxim to always give your all, no matter what. With the aid of this scholarship, I’m excited to complete my education and serve as an inspiration for present and future military youth.”

Fight 4 Vets