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‘Got Your 6’ Report Examines Veterans’ Involvement in Communities

A new report published by the group Got Your 6 found veterans to be more civically involved than civilian members of their communities. According to the findings based on recent census sampling data, veterans were more likely to volunteer their time to local organizations, cast their vote in elections and participate in civic groups.

More specifically, these are the numbers broken down:

  • Veterans average 160 hours of volunteerism, 25% more than civilians in the area.
  • Community service groups are comprised of around three times more veterans than civilians. (18% of veterans reported participation.)
  • An estimated 60% of veterans aged 49 and under voted in their local elections compared to less than 50% of their peers without military experience.

The veterans’ advocacy group hopes the report will help enforce a positive image of veterans as involved assets of their communities with strengths to engage and a desire to contribute.

Results will be distributed to the group’s partners to encourage outreach with the intent to eliminate negative stigma about veterans in the future.

At Jan Dils, Attorneys at Law, we’ve made it our goal to fight for veterans’ rights. If you believe you may be eligible for disability benefits, call us toll-free at 877-526-3455 or use our online contact form to set up your 100% free first consultation.

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