VA Calculator

Veterans in Charleston, WV who are dealing with a chronic condition can find that it interferes with his or her everyday life. In many cases, those chronic conditions relate back to your time in military service. That means you may have the right to disability benefits through the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) for your injuries and its effect on your ability to work. It is important that you speak with a compassionate Veterans disability attorney to maximize the odds of your application being accepted.

Common Chronic Conditions Among Veterans

The VA recognizes several chronic conditions that have the potential to significantly impact the lives of Veterans. Many of those conditions relate directly or indirectly to time in service, which means that Veterans can secure disability compensation for them. Common chronic conditions among Veterans include:

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD)
  • PTSD
  • Chronic back pain
  • Physical Conditions due to the result of parachutist jumps

While the VA does list some disabilities that occur more commonly than others, Charleston Veterans may have the right to file a benefits claim any time he or she suffer a chronic condition due to military service.

Why You Need a Lawyer for Your Chronic Condition Claim

If you suffer from a chronic condition resulting from your time in military service, you need an experienced attorney to help you navigate the claim process.

Understand the Full Assistance You Deserve

Many Veterans are not familiar with the full range of services available through the VA or the benefits he or she deserve for chronic conditions that occurred as a direct result of their service. As a result, they may end up accepting lower payment amounts than they really deserve. A lawyer, however, can ensure that you understand the full extent of your disabilities. That may include talking with medical professionals to fully establish your losses and limitations, as well as showing the long-term impact of your illness or condition.

Establish the Service Connection

When you suffer chronic issues because of your time in military service, you will need to establish the connection between your military service and that condition. In many cases, the VA already acknowledges the fact you may have an increased risk for those conditions. In others, however, you may need to work with someone who can help lay out the service connection.

Streamline Your Application

The process of applying for disability benefits through the VA can prove incredibly complex. Many people end up struggling to navigate the system and have their claim approved. When you work with a VA disability lawyer, however, you can feel much more confident that you have gotten everything right the first time. That can mean money in your hands sooner, which proves particularly important when dealing with mounting medical costs and ongoing financial challenges due to your condition.

Manage Your Appeal

If you have had your chronic condition VA claim denied, having a Charleston lawyer on your side proves even more essential. The VA can deny chronic condition claims for a number of reasons. Most often, however, VA claim denial occurs because of incomplete information. A lawyer will ensure that you have provided all relevant information and evidence for your claim, making it easier for you to get the benefits you deserve. Furthermore, a lawyer will make sure you get all the benefits you should receive from your time in service.

Get Help with Your Charleston Chronic Condition VA Claim

If you need to file a disability claim with the VA for a chronic condition in Charleston, do not try to navigate your claim alone. Instead, reach out to the experienced VA disability lawyers at Fight4Vets for a free consultation. We are the largest VA-focused law firm in the country and know the ways in which you can improve your odds of acquiring your benefits.

Fight 4 Vets
  • Charleston, WV
    Jan Dils Attorneys at Law
    United Center | 500 Virginia St. E.
    Ste. 710

    Charleston WV   25301