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When a former servicemember is no longer to hold a full-time job due to a service-related disability, he or she may be eligible to receive Total Disability based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU) benefits. Many disabled veterans have questions about what to expect from a TDIU benefits award, and our attorneys have the answers. To learn more about what happens after your TDIU claim has been approved, contact our legal team.

How Are TDIU Benefits Awarded?

TDIU benefits are awarded on a monthly basis, but the amount of compensation a single veteran would be entitled to receive changes annually according to the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA). The payment can also vary if they are married or have dependents added to their benefits.

What Happens if a TDIU Benefit Recipient has another Person Handling their Finances?

If the VA deems the veteran incompetent, it will assign a beneficiary on the disabled vet’s behalf. The VA will typically ask the former servicemember who they want the beneficiary to be and conduct an investigation to make sure they are the right person for that veteran and their well-being. Once a beneficiary is assigned, the money will go to them on behalf of the veteran.

How Long after Approval Does it Take for TDIU benefits to be Awarded?

As soon as it processes the decision notice, the VA will typically deposit any back pay the veteran is owed into the bank account they provided in their application for TDIU. After that, the former servicemember will start receiving their TDIU benefit award on the first of every month.

Do You Ever Have to Renew Your TDIU Benefits?

The VA will occasionally request an Employment Verification Form to be submitted back to them. If, for any reason, it’s not submitted, this could result in the VA proposing to revoke a veteran’s TDIU benefits.

Otherwise, former servicemembers deemed to be permanently and totally disabled do not have to renew their TDIU benefits. The decision notice from the VA will indicate whether a veteran is considered permanently and totally disabled. Former servicemembers who are unsure about whether their TDIU benefits award is permanent can call and ask our team for clarification.

What Happens if a Disability Worsens after TDIU Benefits Have Been Awarded?

If a veteran’s disability worsens after being awarded TDIU benefits, nothing would happen, because TDIU recipients are rated at 100%, which is the maximum a former servicemember can receive for any condition or combination thereof. Otherwise, veterans whose disabilities worsen after getting denied can either reapply or appeal the decision. To protect the effective date, an appeal must be filed within one year of that initial rating decision.

Can You Receive Other Forms of Assistance while Being Awarded TDIU Benefits?

Former servicemembers receiving TDIU benefits can still qualify for other governmental assistance. Whether that be Social Security benefits, other VA benefits, or both, our disability attorneys can help disabled veterans obtain the compensation to which they’re entitled.

Ask Our Attorneys about what to Expect from a TDIU Benefit Award

If you still have questions about your TDIU benefit award, let our team review your decision letter. We can advise you on what to expect and of any opportunities to obtain other governmental benefits. Our lawyers can help you accomplish it all, so don’t hesitate to reach out to our firm today.

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